Why chose Green tea?

Tea is the most consumed drink in the world after water. Tea tree is a plant that is consumed around the world in the form of green tea, black tea, or oolong tea. However, of all these, the most significant impact on human health is the observed intake of green tea. (Chako,2010) In this post we will explain why green tea is important, explain how to chose and use green tea for your better healthy, and some suggestions if you are new to green tea.

Why drink green tea matter?

Green tea is estimated that about 2.5 million tons of tea leaves are produced each year throughout the world, with 20% produced as green tea, which is mainly consumed in Asia, some parts of North Africa, the United States, and Europe.(Chako,2010) The relationship between drinking tea, especially green tea, and human health has always been valued. Green tea is a “non-fermented” tea that contains a lot of catechins. Catechin is a strong antioxidant in and out of the body. In addition, its content of certain minerals and vitamins increases the antioxidant potential of this tea. Since ancient times, green tea has been regarded as a healthy drink by Chinese medicine. Green tea helps with certain cancer risks and reduces cardiovascular disease, as well as promotes oral health and other physiological functions such as antihypertensive effects, weight control (Cabrera,2006) So drinking green tea in moderation and in the right circumstances is very important for our health.

How to drink green tea properly and in moderation?

Do not drink green tea on an empty stomach

The small amount of caffeine and tannin contained in the tea can stimulate the release of stomach acid. (Shibata,2019) Therefore, it is healthier and safer to drink it when you have something in your stomach.


Drink low caffeine green teas if you sensitive to caffeine

Baked (Hojicha) or ambergris. Hojicha is the most suitable for children and the elderly and can also be used as a daily drink. It does contain caffeine, but it is much less valuable than the caffeine content in coffee and other carbonated beverages. (Shibata,2019)


You need to rinse your mouth after drinking green tea

Although drinking green tea may help our oral health, it is a dark drink that can cause tooth discoloration over time.In order to avoid this, you can make it a habit to gargle water after you finish your cup of tea.

How much green tea is the right amount to drink every day?

Green tea can help reduce the risk of some diseases. However, the optimal amount of tea may depend on the disease.

Oral cancer: In a large observational study, women who drank three to four cups of green tea daily were the least likely to develop oral cancer (Reiko,2007)

Gastric cancer: Another large observational study showed that women who drink 5 cups or more of green tea a day have a reduced risk of stomach cancer. (Shizuka, 2004)

Breast cancer: Two observational studies have shown that women who drink more than three cups of green tea a day have a lower rate of breast cancer recurrence. (Mizutani,2001).

Heart disease: An analysis of 9 studies found that people who drink 1 to 3 cups of green tea a day have a lower risk of heart disease and stroke than those who drink 1 cup of green tea a day.(Pang,2016)


According to the above research, it is ideal to drink three to five cups of green tea every day. Most studies have found that people who drink green tea are healthier than those who do not.


To sum up, drinking green tea has many benefits, not only can prevent diseases, but also can relieve the stress caused by study or work in our daily life. However, we should also drink green tea correctly and in moderation and remember that green tea is not a medicine but a daily drink to help our health.

New café shop in Sheridan College HMC campus

For the sake of our health and drinking green tea with us, our green tea products will be exclusively available to Sheridan students located at HMC and Davis campus. We provide the students with some of the best green teas with excellent taste. Please visit our store website to receive a free cup of green tea



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