Exquisite Honduran Coffee Mississauga

Drink Coffee everyday and never heard about Honduran coffee ?

Living in Mississauga and still not tried the Honduran coffee. We’ve come up with the exquisite Honduran coffee straight from the jungles of Honduras for you.

Never heard about Honduras ?

Honduras Flag
Honduras national Flag



Well to start with, Honduras is the fifth-biggest exporter of coffee in the world. Moreover, the largest exporter of coffee in the region of central and North America.




Honsuras geographical location
Geographic positioning


Honduras is a nation in Central America with a population of over 9.1 million people. The region is bordered by the Caribbean Sea on its northern coast and the Pacific Ocean on its southern coast.





Geographical significance

There are largely mountains, plains along the coast, an unexplored rainforest in the northeast, and the heavily inhabited Sula Valley in the northwest. Its total size is around 43,400 square miles.

Its climate is often more tropical in the plains and more temperate in the highlands.

So, What’s special about Honduran Coffee

Honduran coffee has overtones of vanilla or hazelnut and is aromatic and fragrant. Its acidity is often well-balanced, and its body is frequently described as medium and round.

Why should you go for Honduran coffee?

Exquisite Honduran Coffee mississauga

Honduran coffee is often described as mellow, robust, and sweet. This is due to its temperate and tropical climates.And now people of Mississauga has the rivilege to experience this exquisite Honduran coffee at all of our locations.

Honduran coffee beans are classified according to their growing region and altitude. This varies from 3,600 to 5,249 feet above sea level.

Beans are gathered from the country’s more than 90 million coffee trees between the months of November and April each year.  These coffee beans are handpicked by the estimated two million Hondurans.

Some quick information about the Honduras coffee.

  • Honduras is the largest producer of coffee in Central and northern America
  • 3rd-largest producer in Latin America after Brazil and Colombia
  •  6th-largest by volume exporter of coffee in the world

Honduran coffee grades

Because it contains both lowlands and higher mountainous locations, Honduras produces coffee that is primarily classified by elevation.

  • Plants that are strictly high grown are grown at altitudes of 4,400 feet or above.
  • High grown plants are grown at elevations ranging from 3,900 to 4,400 feet.
  • Below 3,900 feet above sea level is the central norm.

Bird-friendly or shade-grown coffee is a step up from high-grown coffee. This is for those who want to drink the best coffee Honduras has to offer. Because these bushes are grown in the shade of other trees, the Honduran coffee beans have more time to mature, absorb nutrients and minerals, and develop a stronger flavour.

The origins of Honduran coffee

Although the specific origins of Honduran coffee are unknown, many people believe that the coffee bean was introduced to Honduras by Spanish traders in the latter half of the 1700s.

Honduras is the top coffee producer in Central America and the third largest producer of coffee in Latin America. Honduras is also the world’s fifth largest producer of coffee.

It also serves as the host country for the Producer & Roaster Forum. This will attract over 1000 Central American producers and coffee professionals from around the world to the country, which has a sizable coffee sector and a population of smallholder producers.

It’s easy to forget that Honduras had no coffee industry until a few decades ago, despite being a minor player in the worldwide coffee market.

Two well-known Honduran coffees

1. Marcala Fair Trade Coffee

Fresh Roasted Coffee’s Marcala Fair Trade Coffee is a medium roast with a strong and hearty body cultivated at elevations ranging from 4,250 to 5,575 feet. Lemon, creamy chocolate, and walnut are some of the cupping notes. Between February and June, it is shipped after being wet processed, roasted, and gathered/collected between December and April.

2. Trader Joe’s Organic Fair Trade Whole Bean Honduran Coffee

Trader Joe’s organic, fair trade coffee is a mediumdark roast that is smooth and mild and is grown in the Marcala area of Honduras. According to an Amazon buyer, it has a pleasant, plain and friendly, nice-smelling flavour with no (how much acid something has).


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