Elementor #2652

Webpage and SEO (PSB Fitness)

PSB Fitness (4Ps)


PSB Fitness (Gym)

Well designed facility and space
High-quality exercise equipment
Spa, Steam, and Sauna section
Cleanliness and maintenance staff

Product (USPs)

The UPS of PSB Fitness is offering personal trainers on campus. A feature that is available in a select few campuses in the world.



Price (USPs)

Our price will offer an extra free week of training for every month of membership, acting as an incentive for customers to join us instead of other competitors.


PSB Fitness will be available for customers in 2 different Sheridan College Campuses, Brampton & Mississauga.

Place (USPs)

The place’s main USP is to offer an easy and accessible fitness and training facility for students. That way students could choose to workout right before, in between, or after classes and avoid long commutes to reach their gyms.


Sales Promotion: Free trials

Promotion (USPs)

Promoting and advertising PSB Fitness around campus for all students to see. Also, signs and banners on outer structure of campus for those not enrolled in college and are interested in joining.

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