healthy cookies psb cafe sheridan college

Healthy Cookies Psb Cafe Sheridan


What makes a cookie healthy?


Can one of the snacks that are viewed as an unhealthy snack be made in a way for it to be healthy. Yes, a cookie can be healthy within moderation you just need to find a healthy option at a grocery store or a cafe. A cookie should have no trans fats to warrant it being healthy since trans facts is worst type of fat. A food could have. Also, a cookie also containing no hydrogenated oils nor partially hydrogenated oils makes it healthy as the oil contains unhealthy fats. Which can contribute to heart disease, stroke, or type 2 diabetes.

Having a cookie baked from white flour is just junk food as it has not much nutritional value. Baking a cookie out of almond flower or oat flour would deem the cookie to be healthy since it has good nutrients. Other things that a healthy cookie contains low amount of butter and instead of using white sugar they use sugar substitutes. Sugar substitutes are as raw honey, pure maple syrup and much more. These make the cookies healthier than store bought cookies that have tons of trans fats and other unhealthy stuff.


Store Bought cookies

Health Benefits of cookies


  • A cookie has good nutritional value if it is baked at home with the right ingredients which can have high fiber, iron, and calcium
  • When your craving junk foods but your trying to lose weight, you can substitute unhealthy sweets with an oatmeal cookie, peanut butter cookie or any other type of cookie using healthy ingredients
  • When you feel you are lacking the protein you need in during the day do not want to eat an entire meal. A cookie has you covered since it’s a good source of a protein
  • An oat style of cookie has a good source of magnesium which prevents heart attacks
  • Also, an oatmeal type of cookie according to Biscuitpeople (2019) “is a great carbohydrate and protein source, providing calories and energy for energy needs. Oats have been shown in scientific studies to favorably alter metabolism and enhance performance when ingested about 1 hour before exercise of moderate intensity.”


How are we different as other cafes?


How do we as Psb cafe stand out from other cafes or coffee shops etc. Our direct focus as a café is to offer health foods. Other cafes or coffee shops will sell stuff that is loaded in fats and sugars and which we feel like it’s  okay to have it once in the a while. Us not selling these cookies prevents us from providing a cookie which has no nutritional value .At this cafe  won’t have a choice but to have a healthy and nutritious snack. At Psb Café we only do sell cookies which were baked fresh no prepacked cookies since prepacked have fats so it can remain longer on the shelf cookies are made fresh each day at Psb Café. Our only difference is in the type of stuff we sell which is only healthy and nutritional snacks.

Healthy cookies at Psb Cafe

At the Psb Cafe we only offer healthy cookie options we do not condone in selling junk food. Our view is that its not okay to sell cookies of this nature . Those types of cookies can lead to diabetes, strokes and health issues and other issues.

So, at Psb Cafe we offer cookies for those that have a Ketogenic diet or a gluten free diet. They can also enjoy a healthy delicious snack while studying at Sheridan college. We believe those students who have a healthy nutritious diet will be a better mood and filled energy. It wil

l last them throughout their school day and which would result in good grades.


Cookies [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Gluten free cookies [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Haynes, F. (n.d.). The Truth About Hydrogenated Oils and Trans Fats. Retrieved July 17, 2020, from

Healthy Cookies. (n.d.). Retrieved July 17, 2020, from

Oatmeal Cookies: Tasty and full of health benefits. (2020, June 09). Retrieved July 17, 2020, from

Store bought cookies [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from


































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