Leadership Program For Graduate Instructors

All you need to know about the leadership program and improving your instructors

Focusing solely on the needs of graduate instructors and professors, Gallup’s leadership program for graduate students’ instructors is what you need. The results are personalized with instructions on how to improve weaknesses and understand how to utilize strengths. This webinar will offer crucial information to the effectiveness of the program and there will be time for QNAs where our guest speakers will answer all questions.

With becoming an instructor for a graduate diploma, you have to be ready to deal with an extremely diverse class age-wise. Unlike undergraduates, graduate certificates bring together people of all ages in one place. Therefore, instructors needs to understand how to lead a class that might have students older than them and students who are a little too young. Gallup’s leadership program helps instructors identify and utilize their skills in order to be an effective instructor and mentor to all students.

Our guest speakers will include psychologist and co-developer of our program, Dr. Hagar Saleh. Moreover, our co-developer and professional recruiter, Mr. Hassan Shehata. Last but not least, fellow graduate from Gallup’s leadership program, Dr. Farah Kiwan. With professionals such as our esteemed guest speakers, you will be provided with detailed information on how Gallup’s leadership program. How it was developed, how it works, and how affective it is will be our main topics. You will also receive first hand information and stories on how Gallup’s leadership program has affected their professional lives.

“As a graduate instructor, undertaking this program and taking seriously has changed the way I manage and lead a classroom. The step-by-step instructions on how to improve weaknesses has been extremely beneficial.” – Amine Ahmed

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