PSB Café’s Green Tea Health Benefits

Importance of green tea

We eat for the benefit of our bodies. Taking tea is an excellent accompaniment to most meals. Be it a snack or breakfast. In addition to consuming various foods, there are few that take note of what it does to the body. For instance, most college students prefer junk food. Healthy eating is hard to maintain due to tight work schedules. Nonetheless, there is good news that taking tea can come with additional health benefits. On-campus, the PSB Café’s green tea has many health benefits. As such, you can now enjoy green tea at our PSB Café. That will assure you of a healthy lifestyle and worry less about various diseases. Let us first understand the various tea flavors.

Green Tea flavors and location

Moreover, the tea also comes with various unique flavors. They sourced internationally to suit your taste. You can choose among matcha, sencha, shincha, longjing, and gykuro tea flavors. You do not have to worry about accessing your tea. Apart from our PSB café, we offer unique distribution. Which is by delivering to our customers at the comfort of their home.

Green tea pricing

Who cannot afford green tea on campus? The pricing of our green tea makes it stand out due to its affordability. For instance, the small size goes for $1.50 only while the medium and large sizes go for $2.50 and $3.50 respectively.


Through our social media channels like Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook, you can give us feedback. You can also use the platforms to enjoy various offers like free samples, loyalty cards. Students also have a chance to enter contests through the QR code. Just scan the QR code for a chance to win various prizes. They are including tea sets, tea-packets, tea tumbler cups and plenty of PSB café merchandise, such as magnets, stickers and pens. In addition the promotion will also include handing out flyers to students around the HMC and Davis campus. We have also partnered up with Sheridan College to promote our green tea at a school sports game. Setting up a pop-up shop would be a great example. We plan to put our slogan or logo on sports team uniforms, which players will be wearing during the game.

Serving Green Tea: The beauty of Green tea is when it is served hot. You can get all the health benefits by being a regular at PSB Café and get served a hot cup of healthy green tea.
Figure 2: Green tea

Green tea at PSB café, Sheridan College

PSB Café’s green tea health benefits aim at establishing a disease-free society. We can attain this goal by providing affordable and readily available green tea. Nothing can be more rewarding than knowing that the tea consumed fights against most of the ailments. Here is your chance to make the right decisions about your lives. Above all, it keeps you healthy. So, say no to unhealthy lifestyles by incorporating green tea into your diet, and you will never regret it.

A woman taking tea: The concentration at PSB Café understanding the health benefits of taking our Green tea.
Figure 2: A woman taking tea ( 2019).

Health benefits of green tea

Green tea offers solutions to various health problems. The medicinal value of green tea explains its existence for centuries. After water, tea comes second in consumption globally. Particularly, as a traditional Indian and Chinese medicine, it can prevent various ailments affecting people. Let us examine some of the advantages in detail.

Health benefits of green tea in cancer prevention and treatment

Cancer is one of the biggest public health challenges affecting the world. Treatment of cancer requires expensive procedures associated with adverse side effects. However, using green tea frequently is known to prevent cancer and help cure various diseases (Cabrera, Artacho, & Giménez, 2006). As more cancers continue to ravage people globally. There is a need to take preventive measures to avoid such cases from spreading. Furthermore, people’s lifestyles support the thriving of different cancers. Taking care of yourself is your responsibility. Green tea is here to ensure you meet your health goals. Apart from cancer prevention and treatment, green tea is also essential to examine its benefits concerning cardiovascular health.

Health benefits of green tea in cardiovascular health

Aside from cancer, green tea will ensure your cardiovascular health is maintained, and your cholesterol level is in check. Eating too much fat and sugar consequently is the riskiest factor leading to increased blood pressure and possible heart problems. Therefore, it is important to check that your cardiovascular health. The way to do it is by reducing the amount of fat and cholesterol in the body. Green tea has the health benefits. That is the effectively preventing heart diseases and lowering the level of cholesterol. Drinking at least five cups of green tea per day will ensure that you lower your risk of getting any cardiovascular diseases (Ware & Wilson, 2017). The risk of stroke declines greatly with green tea consumption. The aspect of cardiovascular health is also related to obesity and diabetes. It is essential to understand that green tea still has a role to play on these conditions.

Health benefits of green tea in obesity and diabetes

Obesity and diabetes are other dangerous diseases. It affects millions of people globally. More Americans are becoming obese or overweight due to their unhealthy lifestyles. Most importantly, you no longer have to worry about obesity and diabetes anymore. All you need to do is visit our PSB café, and your solution will be waiting for you. In conclusion, making green tea a part of your diet will solve all challenges associated with obesity and being overweight. Luckily, here is the secret, make green tea your friend. Ask your friends and loved ones to try it, and I guarantee you that your health and that of your loved ones will not be the same. At PSB café at Sheridan College, we will ensure that your supply never runs out. Happy drinking!


Cabrera, C., Artacho, R., & Giménez, R. (2006). Beneficial Effects of Green Tea—A Review. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 25(2), 79-99. doi:10.1080/07315724.2006.10719518

Ware, M., & Wilson, D. R. (2017, March 28). Green tea: Health benefits, side effects, and research. Retrieved from (2016, December 20). 7 amazing benefits of green tea: What makes it so healthy. Retrieved from (2019, October 19). 17 incredible health benefits of green tea. Retrieved from

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